First off, I have to say kudos to the WordCamp Miami team for 10 years of consecutive WordCamps! That is a huge feat in itself. Congratulations Miami!
My favorite part of WordCamp Miami is absolutely the people. With a highly attended event, chances are several of your peeps will be there. And several of my peeps were!
I gave a Lightning Talk on Building Community: From Twitter to #IRL and it went really well. It was super fast but I got a lot of good feedback and had a blast! In-real-life community building is something I’m very passionate about so it brought me much joy to give that talk. I hope to give it again and soon!
Team Mode Effect was in full representation! Our new partner John came so we had the partner trifecta going! Have you met John yet? If not, let me introduce you next time!
I’m glad I attended WordCamp Miami after a three-year hiatus!